Policy Plan 2022-2025

Mehr Cultural Foundation (MCF) is a non-profit institution for the public benefit, as is apparent from the Stichting Mehr Cultural Foundation deed of incorporation and from the actual work clearly mentioned in its objectives. The “Oprichting Stichting” or the deed of incorporation has been established by “Notaris te Tilburg” on the 14th of April 2021.  


MCF mainly focuses on the following major objectives in 2022-2025. The objectives of MCF is in the public interest. 

  • Charity activities for needy children based on volunteer work and donations
  • Teaching mother tongue languages for kids living in foreign societies

Method of Acquiring Income

MCF raises funds for the benefit of its objectives through fundraising activities. The approaches which MCF takes to raise funds will be donations, awards, gifts, cost reimbursements, or grants; other income may be received through subsidies, bequests, testamentary dispositions; and all other income accruing to it from its investments or otherwise.

Management of Assets

  • MCF reserve and cash funds are invested in standard bank accounts with one or more of the major Dutch banks that are government guaranteed. Cash that is unlikely to be needed in the short term, may be moved to longer-term savings accounts.
  • MCF does not hold more capital than is reasonably necessary for the continuity of the planned work in favor of the objectives of the foundation.
  • The revenue will be managed and controlled by the board of the foundation. The related costs of the foundation should be in reasonable proportion to achieve the best outcomes for the benefit of the objectives of the foundation and the objectives of its related work programs or projects. The work of MCF is in the public interest.
  • MCF is committed that the administration costs should not exceed 10% of its funds raised or granted.
  • MCF will give financial contributions to other charities, businesses, organizations, foundations, events, and/or experts with similar or complementary objectives as the MCF’s objectives or help realize the MCF’s objectives; and by carefully managing its capital, in such a way to sustain and guarantee the earnings and investments of the foundation in order to be able to realize its objectives.
  • The foundation has reserved the rights and control for the acquisition of assets as a part of its fundraising activities.
  • The foundation has reserved the rights and control to carry out and perform the work and responsibilities of the foundation.
  • The foundation will control the spending limits imposed by the donor(s), and/or described for funded projects and/or programs.
  • The disposition of the MCF’s assets is made in accordance with its Objective.

Remuneration Policy

Board members of MCF shall not receive any remuneration. However, they may be entitled to reimbursement of costs incurred in the performance of their duties, if not excessive. The expenses incurred in the context of the exercise of the governance function shall be reimbursed provided that they are not excessive.

MCF is allowed to hire paid employees for the purpose of achieving its objectives.

Board Composition

  • Sayyed Hamid Hosseini


+31 642883744


  • Sayyed Mohsen Hosseini


+31 639561850


Mehr Cultural Foundation (MCF) Information

  • KvK Number:


  • RSIN:


  • Rechtsvorm:


  • Statutaire naam:

Stichting Mehr Cultural Foundation

  • Statutaire zetel:

gemeente Eindhoven

  • Datum akte van oprichting:


  • Inschrijving handelsregister:


  • Bezoekadres:

De Regge 15, 5626 GZ, Eindhoven
